
performativ-literarischer Parkour, outdoor

This outdoor performance in the city center of hamburg ia a dance piece which also works as an audio walk. The text of bestselling authors Michel Abdollahi („Deutschland schafft mich“ and Alice Hasters („Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen aber wissen sollten“) are received via headphones. In 6 sequenzes the performers lead the audience through powerful associative interventions into the public space. Thus the city get’s reshaped and racist structures overwritten for the duration of the play.

Konzept/Choreografie: Yolanda Gutiérrez
Tanz/Choreografie: Sarah Lasaki & Benson A’kuyie
Dramaturgie /Interviews /Film: Helge Schmidt
Nebendarsteller*innen: Don Jegosah, Valentine Müller, Betty Paha, Mustapha Nyangado
Bühne/Requiisten/Kostüme/Maske: Sophia Sylvester Röpcke & Carlton Morgan
Haarstyling: Betty Paha
Fotos von Marc Huth
Eine Telemichel Produktion

Audiowalk, Hamburger Innenstadt September 2021

copyright Fotos Yolanda Gutierrez

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